Monday, April 19, 2010


I am a big Fullmetal Alchemist fan. Ever since I saw it back in '06 or '07. I can't really remember. It's a manga about an alternate reality where alchemy prevailed over science. Two brothers try to bring back their mother from the grave using alchemy. However, they commit the biggest sin in alchemy, which is human transmutation. They get screwed as the older brother Edward, loses his leg and his younger brother alphonse loses his entire body. Later Edward sacrifices his right arm in order to attach his brother's soul to an armored suit. The boys are determined to find the Philosopher's Stone, which can give them their bodies back. Along the way they undercover a big conspiracy, which will threaten the whole world.

That's a crude summary, but you can just look it on wikipedia to get a better aspect of the show. The manga is really good and it was adapted into a 2003 anime and eventually released in America. I loved the anime, but the only thing about is that the anime strays away from the original plot of manga into its own story-line. This was necessary because the manga was not finished yet. The anime had a great finale, but it was a little anti climatic. That was until the movie came out and tied things up. It was a fitting goodbye to a great series. Still i thought to myself "what if they had animated the rest of manga."

My prayers were answered when the creator of Fullmetal Alchemist, Hironu Arakawa. announced in '09 that Bones (production company) is going to produce a second anime series that follows the manga more closely. I jumped for joy for the most part. The only bad thing is that about the first 15 episodes feel like they are being pushed down your throat. After that it is smooth sailing for the rest of the way. In Japan it is already on episode 52 and the series is on episode 11 in the United States. At this point the second anime is going to end soon and will probably end around 60 something episodes.

If you are a fan of manga then you own it to yourself to read the series and watch both of the animes. Now you can always buy the series from the books store or you could just read it on the internet. I am not saying what site, but it should be easy to find. If you are reading then you know that the series is getting down to the final innings, and it is going to be a spectacular ending (hopefully). Now if they made this into a movie, which should be easier to do compared to a lot of other anime, I will be super special excited.

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