Monday, February 22, 2010

The Big B.O.

So hello there. I haven't been here in a few days and it does not really matter. Well, I mean it does because this is the best blog ever and I have to remain steady. I heard yesterday that Shutter Island is number one at the box office and made an estimated 40 million, which is not bad at all. It's a personal best for Leonardo Dicaprio and Scorsese. More so to Scorsese because his films usually tend to open to lower numbers since his movie have an artsy feel to it.

I'm glad for the both of them and the audiences really liked the film. Well, at least my screening. The film is decent, but it is Scorsese weakest film in a while, but like I said earlier, even Scorsese's weakest film are a shit load better than other film. The film is sitting on a 69% right now so the critics are giving a lukewarm reception right now. I watched At the Movies right now, which is better since the two Ben's left (esp. Ben Lyons). The hosts are Michael Phillips and A.O. Scott, who I have respect for. They will never replace Siskel and Ebert, but that's an impossible feat anyway. They both said skip it and I can see why. They claim that the ending can be seen a mile away, the visuals are distracting, and that movie ends up being unintereting after a while.

Anyway at the box office Valentine's Day just epically failed as its gross dropped a huge 70%, which is bad. It will still cross the 100 million dollar barrier and I beleive it will do so. Avatar continued to shine as always and will reach the 700 million barrier (fucking amazing). Percy Jackson is hanging in there and might make it to 100 million, which can give to studio enough confidence to greenlight a sequel. The Wolfman is doing fucking terrible, but not as bad as From Paris to Love. All the movie are doing avaerage business so far, still latching on to the behemoth called Avatar.

Things will getter as Cop Out and The Crazies come out this Friday. I want to see Cop Out (A Couple of Dicks) because it's directed by Kevin Smith, who is favorite director of mine. However, his films have all done mediorce business. I think Cop Out will break that trend, but it will be a true test as smith has never directed anything he hasn't written. Hopefully it will be good. I really liked Zach and Miri and I thought that showed smith maturing as a director. Of course, despite starring Seth Rogen, the movie did Kevin Smith business. It made about 33 million, which is his highest grossing film. I do not like Tracy Morgan that much. I just can't stand his voice, but after seeing the red band trailer of Cop Out it looks pretty funny. So I hope for the best.

Well that's it for now and wish me luck for my paper, which is something I should be working on right now. Procsationation is a bitch!

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