Monday, March 29, 2010

The Belated Post Oscar Post

Okay I haevn't been on here for weeks, but I just want to get my Oscar reaction thoughts off my chest real quick. I was supposed to write this the day after the Academy Awards, but shit happened. Anyway, we all know that the Hurt Locker won Best Picture. That's good because it is a very compelling movie with a lot of dramatic tension. Kathryn Bigelow did a fantastic job and really brings out the best in her actors, especially Jeremy Renner. She also won Best Director, which is well desrved too. However, I still stand by my statement of Up should have won Best Picture. To me the film is simply marvelous film. It is a perfect film, IMO of course. A lot of films are flawed (of course). However, Up has a heartwarming story, engaging characters, a good amount of humor, and deals with mature themes so well. Pixar really improves itself each year, which is amazing.

As far as Best Actor goes Jeff Bridges did deserve it. I didn't think I would like Crazy Heart cause I really can't stand country music (well except 4 the Man in Black). It was an engaging performance and Bridges' best performance. George Clooney came a real close second, but I know he'll win another one one day.

Best Actress went to Sandra Bullock, which I have mixed feelings about. I like her, but I just don't think her performance was Oscar worthy. I thought Meryl Streep did a much better job, even though it was a fluff role. Streep will win another one. She is the best actress working today.

Christop Waltz won Best Supporting Actor for Inglorious Basterds. The academy loves villains and he played a good one. Mon'Nique won Best Supporting Actress for Precious. Her performance speaks for itself and honestly I watched 10 minutes of Precious and she scared the shit out of me. Maybe I'll have the balls to watch the movie one day.

The thing that surprised me were the screenplay categories. Hurt Locker won Best Original script instead of Inglorious Basterds and Precious won Best Adapted Script. Tarantino's script had way more wit and awesomeness, but I should have trusted my instinct. I would have never guessed that Precious would win though. I thought that would Up in the Air. I think the guy who adapted it was the 1st black screenwriter to win the award so good for him.

As far as the other categories go it was hit or miss. Well mostly miss. Up won Best Animated Film (duh) and Avatar won Best Visual Effects (double duh). Hurt Locker ended up getting Best Sound awards, really? I picked the right documentary (The Cove), but I sucked ass on the short films. So I predicted about almost half of the awards. Much worse than last year, but I took a gamble this year. I chose Avatar for Best Pic against all my better judgement, but you know, as much as ppl hate on Avatar it will be remebered for a long time. Still Up shited on all these movies.

So no more Oscar talk for a while. Kind of an uneventful year, but still very solid. This year seems more interesting though. Mainly because Chris Nolan's Inception, which I really do not much about right now, but am still excited about.

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